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Spirit Gear

Columbine’s online spirit store is your one-stop destination for all things CHS Rebels!

The school has partnered with Denver Athletic and Under Armour to provide a variety of apparel that will help show off your Rebel pride. Whether you bleed blue and silver or just want to boast some school spirit, there’s something for everyone.

Browse the online store for a variety of merchandise that celebrates your unique identity. Items are shipped directly to your address. Or, send to out-of-state alumni, friends or family members.

Once a Rebel, always a Rebel!

Rebel Corner

Rebel Corner is Columbine’s onsite school store. Students can grab a snack (under the guidelines of the healthy-schools rules) during first, sixth or seventh block.

Proceeds from the sales of these snacks support our Significant Support Needs program.

During special evening events, the store is open to the public to purchase merchandise.