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English Language Arts

English Language Arts in Jeffco

The English language arts team strives to foster literacy excellence, strengthen the instructional core, prepare students as global citizens and promote diversity and inclusion so students thrive during and beyond their education in Jeffco Public Schools.

English Language Arts at Columbine High School

Columbine High School’s English language arts team takes pride in our ability to collaborate, to challenge our own thinking and to offer nuanced opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate their reading, writing and thinking skills.

About Us

We laugh. A lot. That may seem coy, but it’s true. We laugh every day while eating lunch together. We laugh with kids. We laugh because we love Columbine, and we love what we do. Yes, we take the duty of developing literacy seriously, but we know fostering meaningful relationships with students is the means to that end.

When you leave Columbine as a student, we hope you remember the books you read and the ideas you crafted. But more importantly, we hope you remember how you felt when the work taught you something about yourself – when the messiness of writing churned out a thought that was purely your own, when the struggle of reading revealed how to mine your own meaning, when an idea started as a seed and became a part of who you wanted and needed to be.

Yeah, that’s the good stuff. (And don’t ever use “good” in your writing unless it is stylistically contrasting heightened or poetic language or unless it’s meant to establish a more informal connection with your audience – oops, there we go again, getting nerdy … sorry.)

Core English Pathways






Standard Pathway

English/Lang. Arts 9

English/Lang. Arts 10

English/Lang. Arts 11

English/Lang. Arts 12

English 12 – Literary Genre

English 12 – Comp/Lit./ College Bound


Honors/AP Pathway

English/Lang. Arts 9 Honors

English/Lang. Arts 10 Honors

AP English Language/

AP English Literature/

The English curriculum addresses the state and district standards that expect students to:

  1. Read and understand a variety of materials.
  2. Read and recognize literature as an expression of the human experience.
  3. Write effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences.
  4. Speak and listen for effective communication in a variety of contexts.
  5. Apply conventions of language for effective communication.
  6. Locate, evaluate, and use relevant information sources for their reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing.
  7. Apply complex thinking skills when reading writing, speaking listening, and viewing.
  8. Evaluate and improve the quality of their own reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing.

Contact Us

Collin Varney, English Department Chair & Instructional Lead