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Physical Education

Physical Education in Jeffco

The mission of Physical Education (PE) in Jeffco Public Schools is to empower students with the skills, knowledge, habits and confidence to live happy, healthy and physically active lives.

PE is an important, standards-based educational component in grades kindergarten through 12th grade.

Physical Education at Columbine High School

Welcome to the continuing challenge of good health and physical education. We know that within Columbine High School PE course offerings students will find a class that will be appealing and from which they can benefit.

The physical education program allows for students to experience different exercises and activities that give them a well-balanced connection between fitness and health. The goal for this program is to encourage students to explore various methods to ensure lifetime fitness and health. Many of our students find a way to take a physical education class every semester of their high school career.

Some P.E. classes require the purchasing and wearing of the CHS P.E. shirt at a cost of $15. All P.E. students must wear non-marking athletic shoes compatible to the gym floor. Students must supply their own blue, gray or white shorts that cover their body (please have a 6-inch inseam; no spandex or shorts with no inseam).

Students may take more than one PE class per semester only with the approval of the PE department manager.


  • All physical education classes except Recreational Sports (Bowling) will meet the graduation requirement for physical education.
  • All physical education classes may include the district-mandated fitness components. These include the pacer test/mile run, pushups, curl-ups, sit and reach and shoulder flexibility. In addition, students will be exposed to health-related curriculum skills tests and written tests. Our goal is for students to leave the programs with a better understanding of physical education both physically and cognitively.

Contact Us

Andy Lowry, Dept. Manager